Indiana’s PathWays for Aging Program is a managed long-term services and supports initiative for Medicaid enrollees (or those dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid) who are 60 years or older and meet age, blindness or disability criteria.
FSSA is partnering with experienced health plans to manage care coordination with an emphasis on ensuring that older Hoosiers will have access to quality care and can achieve similar health outcomes regardless of race, ethnicity, geography, etc.
Eligible seniors will have a care coordinator and services coordinator to help you get the benefits you qualify for to live as independently as possible.
Enrollment began February 2024 and enrolled participant's plans begins July 2024.
Joy's House offers several programs and services for family caretakers regardless of an affiliation with Joy's House Adult Day Services.
The University of Indianapolis Center for Aging & Community collaborates, educates, and conducts research to enhance the quality of life for all people as they age. The Center has several community outreach initiatives that support caretakers. Efforts include: