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Reframing Aging Resources

Others have traveled this encore path before and left for us the benefit of what they have learned. In this section, you'll find curated resources that can open the door to new ideas and possibilities and assist you in discovering your encore journey.

The Economic Impact of Age Discrimination

AARP's Longevity Economy report shows how discriminating against older workers cost the U.S. economy $850 billion in 2018. By 2050, losses due to age discrimination will climb to $3.9 trillion. Negative stereotyping, prejudice, and perceptions towards people based on their age, not only leads to poorer health and isolation, it costs economies billions of dollars.
Encore Network

2015 White House Council on Aging: The Longevity Dividend and the Encore Vision

Encore leaders call on the White House to recognize the value of aging as a powerful human‐resources asset and to advance innovation and action to mobilize encore talent for the social good. Encore presented four factors that undergrid the encore perspective: longevity dividend, encore life stage, encore movement, and investment in innovation and scaling.

Gaining Momentum: A FrameWorks Communication Kit

This collection of resources identifies the pitfalls of our current language and approach to discussing aging and offers strategies and tools for change.
Reframing Institute

Gauging Aging: Mapping the Gaps Between Expert and Public Understandings of Aging in America

Research from the Reframing Institute compares public and expert thinking about aging and identi ies challenges in building support for policies that promote the wellbeing of older Americans.
Stanford Graduate School of Education’s Center on Adolescence and Encore.org.

Purpose in the Encore Years: Shaping Lives of Meaning and Contribution Six Key Findings: Applied Research Briefs

the Stanford Graduate School of Education’s Center on Adolescence and Encore.org. The research examined older adults’ life goals, prosocial values and behaviors, perspectives on the progression to later life, and prevalence of purpose in their post-midlife, or encore, years.

Age Without Ageism

The video is creatively and artfully produced to explain how fighting ageism can help us live longer — and make the world better. Hosted by Josh Kornbluth, an Atlantic fellow for Equity in Brain Health at the Global Brain Health Institute and Hellman visiting artist at UCSF’s Memory and Aging Center.

Coming of Age in Aging America

Available to view on Kanopy a free service from the Indianapolis Library. The video explores a social transformation unfolding across our, and other modern societies. This phenomenon is changing everything for Americans of all ages.

Let's End Ageism

Ashton Applewhite's TED Talk urges us to dismantle the dread and mobilize against the last socially acceptable prejudice. "Aging is not a problem to be ficured," Applewhite conveys. "It is a natural, powerful, lifelong process that unites us all."

No Donuts for You! Fake Age Limit Targets Ageism

Every day age discrimination happens behind closed doors. This AARP video shows what would happen if we brought it out in the open. A hidden camera at a food truck gives a glimpse of not serving anyone over 40. Presented with this situation, how would you react?

When Did I Get Old?

The University of Indiana's Center for Aging and the Community and WFYI-TV partnered to produce a video and companion discussion guide on the roles of preparation, place, purpose, and perception in aging. Watch When Did I Get Old?

Hey Boomer

Join Wendy Green and her amazing Hey, Boomer! guests to explore, learn, and feel encouraged as you navigate existing and new relationships in your 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and beyond.

Revolutionize Retirement

Board Certified Coach, and Certified Professional Retirement Coach guides you on how to revolutionize all aspects of your retirement transition.

The Retirement Wisdom

The 1/2 hour podcast covers the changing nature of retirement today. The podcast library includes over 100 episodes. Previous programs include conversations with Maddy Dychtwald on The New Age of Aging, Brian Feutz on Life After Work, Scott MacKillop on Working Longer, among others .

Wiser Than Me

Julia Louis Dreyfus wanted to know why we don’t hear more from older women. So she started the WIser Than Me podcast to talk with the amazing woman she admired. Julia sits down with Jane Fonda, Carol Burnett, Amy Tan, Diane von Furstenberg, Isabel Allende, and Fran Lebowitz (and more!)

Learning Opportunities

University Programs
Interdisciplinary academic programs that last 4, 9, or 12 months exist at several higher education institutions.

Harvard University
Advanced Leadership Initiative

Stanford University  
Distinguished Careers Institute

University of Minnesota
Advanced Careers Initiative

University of Texas at Austin
Tower Fellows Programs

Union Theological Seminary
Encore Transition Program

Eckerd College
Academy of Senior Professionals

Also, check college alumni offices for encore or other transition programs offered.

Independent Programs
A variety of in-person immersive, remote webinars or online programs are offered that focus on exploration and peer-to-peer support.
Modern Elder Academy

Sage-ing International

Indiana Tuition Discount Programs
Indiana offers a public college tuition remission program for residents aged 60 and above. The schools are required to give a minimum of 50% off in-state tuition up to 9 credit hours a semester. All associated mandatory, programs, and course/class fees are the responsibility of the student. In addition, the fee remission is not retroactive and cannot apply to previous terms.

Some schools, such as Ivy Tech, Vincennes, and Marian University waive 100% for a credit course. The University of Indianapolis offers persons 65 years of age or older and retired may register for regular undergraduate courses at the University through the tuition-free Senior Citizens Program. Enrollment is based on space availability. Persons participating in the program pay any course or laboratory fees.